This is a deeply relaxed state, with increased suggestibility. Once in this state, sometimes called a hypnotic trance, clients are given therapeutic suggestions to encourage changes in behaviour or relief of symptoms. Your subconscious and conscious brain working in harmony to create fantastic changes.
Letting go
We all started out in this life with emotions that were pretty much a blank canvas, albeit with a fear of falling and loud noises. Then life happened to us. Some of it amazing, some of it not so good.We learnt things from people along the way, heard things and saw things. Our subconscious mind absorbed everything that went on around us, including tastes, textures, smells and sounds. Long before our conscious thinking mind was mature enough to make sense of anything much at all everything was stored in the vast database of our subconscious. Even if it was apparently uneventful in our distant memories, it still left an imprint on our subconscious. This sounds straightforward, but unfortunately some of the things we absorbed as we grew up just weren’t helpful. Our sense of fear began. Meeting new people, men in white coats, spiders, clowns.Things that don’t need to scare us unfortunately do, even though our rational mind knows we need not think that way. You name it and someone else, somewhere else, will also be scared of it, or anxious, just as you may be now. Self limiting beliefs that we can never be successful, are frightened of failure and will never be worthy of love can also be deeply embedded in our subconscious
My job is to gently guide you to your subconscious and help you to make positive changes, whilst you are in a beneficial state of trance or hypnosis. An entirely natural process, of letting go of ideas and beliefs that never did you any good, and will only hold you back from enjoying life fully. Hypnosis or trance has been used by humans since time began, and you can be sure that you are in very safe hands with me as your therapist.
Hypnotherapy is unlike any other therapy. You may feel relaxed, focussed, Some describe it as a daydreaming feeling. Everyone experiences a different feeling when they are in hypnosis. The thing that all of my clients have told me is that they enjoy it. You will always remain totally in control and able to come out of hypnosis immediately if you wish to. In fact, afterwards you may feel more in control of your emotions than ever before.You can’t get “stuck”, and I will not ask you to do anything other than what we agree you are here to do in order to improve your life. Hypnosis is not a truth serum-you will only tell me what you want to tell me. I am bound by strict codes of ethics so you can be sure that I won’t be asking you to perform any tricks. This is about rapidly improving your mental wellbeing, not a stage show.
It’s completely natural and can enable you to make wonderful changes at a far deeper level than with therapy alone. It is a complementary therapy, so it isn’t intended to replace any advice that your medical professional has given you. There is a guide from The National Hypnotherapy society here which gives you more details.
My priority is to eliminate anxiety and unwanted behaviours so that you are able to get on with your life. You will be ready to live the life you choose, the freedom to be exactly the way that you want to be.
Does that sound good to you?